Rugby League

Standing up

for rugby league

Part of the role of The RFL (as the National Governing Body for the sport and the recipient of Exchequer and National Lottery Funding on behalf of the sport), is to stand up for Rugby League and make the case for continued investment and a favourable environment for the sport. 

The RFL responds to all major government and sector-specific consultations where policy changes may impact on the sport. 

The sport of Rugby League needs the following conditions to grow and thrive:

  • Consistent national, regional and local political leadership for sport and physical activity 
  • Long term approach to planning for sport and physical activity infrastructure and interventions 
  • Meaningful and consistent levels of investment in team sports recognising their special status and wider contribution to society
  • Commitment to sport and physical activity for children and young people in school settings and in grassroots sports clubs 
  • Continued commitment by local and regional government to the protection of playing fields and a continued role for Sport England as a statutory consultee on all playing field developments
  • Increased collaboration between sports bodies and agencies – participation and performance 
  • Improved understanding of the net contribution of Rugby League to communities 
  • National and city-region level political support for the hosting of major sports events