Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Zach Braham #8, Hunslet


Challenge Cup


Hunslet v Coventry

Match Date:



Dangerous Contact in the 14th minute (Sheridan)



Charge Detail:

Rule – 15.1(i)
Detail – A defending players makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes excessive flexion to the head, neck or spinal column
Grade – D





Decision On Charge

Player plea:

Guilty, but challenging the grading

Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 13th February, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(i) during the above Match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in approximately the 14th minute of the above Match. In the Panel’s opinion you made contact on an opponent (Sheridan) in a vulnerable position after the ball has been passed. You were temporarily dismissed following this incident. The Panel believed that your actions were unnecessary and had the potential to cause your opponent injury.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade D offence (A defending players makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes excessive flexion to the head, neck or spinal column). In accordance with the On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the normal suspension range for such offence is 3 - 5 matches.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance along with Head Coach Gary Thornton. Player pleads guilty to the charge.

Mr Thornton stated he thought the grading was slightly high and felt that in line with similar charges this season a Grade B or C would have been more appropriate.

He added the player didn’t deliberately raise his knee and it was part of his natural running pattern. The player was putting pressure on an opposing playmaker but he accepts he should have tried wrapping the player up and in doing so would have reduced the force shown.

The player has five year experience in the professional game and has been coached by Mr Thornton in two spells. There was no intent to cause injury and perhaps the player was just over aggressive. The player is certainly no coached to hurt opponents. Mr Thornton was thankful there was no lasting injury and praised the work of the medical staff in dealing with the incident.

The player explained to the panel that he had shown remorse for his actions. He explained he liked to play with aggression but also within the rules.

He had contacted the opponent to apologise for his actions.


Guilty plea

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal have listened to the submissions from both sides are after discussion are in agreement that the grading was in this instance correct.

The challenge from the player resulted in his opponent suffering a whiplash motion due to the force of the impact, and whilst accepting it was not intentional they do feel that no attempt was made to tackle the player.

They are also of the opinion that the knee was raised ahead of impact and that the arm, although tucked in, was also raised.

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Incident occurs in the 14th minute of the match
• Player is temporarily dismissed
• Player approaches opponent following an offload
• Player has an unobstructed view of opponent and the ball
• Player steps into contact following offload
• Player does not makes reasonable adaptations following opponent offloading the ball
• Player makes contact as opponent is in a relaxed, unsighted, vulnerable position
• Player demonstrates no attempt to tackle opponent
• Player approaches at speed generating high force to the contact
• Tucks arm and raises knee in upward trajectory to increase force
• Opponent’s body demonstrates whiplash action
• Opponent lands forcefully
• Grade D due to:
- Highly reckless contact as player sees the ball is offloaded and still proceeds into contact
- High force
- Unnecessary contact
- Involves an unacceptable risk of injury to opponent
- Lack of duty of care demonstrated towards opponent

Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

The player informed the panel that this was out of character. He added that he had a good previous record and again expressed his remorse. He also confirmed he had apologised to both the opponent and his club.

Whilst reiterating his thought the grading was harsh Mr Thornton thanked the panel for listening to their argument. He offered the opinion that the suspension should be at the lower end of the grading and added this type of challenge was out of character for the player.

Aggravating Factors:

11/04/19 – Strikes – kicks opponent – light contact (Grade A, n/a)

Reasons for Decision:

Whilst agreeing that this was not an intentional act and acknowledging the remorse shown the Tribunal feel that the grading at Grade D was correct.

They give credit to the player for the remorse shown after the incident and therefore hand down a 3 match suspension along with a £75 fine.


3 matches