Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Jordan Dezaria #23, Catalans


Super League


Catalans v Wigan

Match Date:






Charge Detail:

Law 15.1(a)

Strikes – Punching – sustained and, repeated or violent – makes contact with the Head of an opponent

Grade E





Decision On Charge

Player plea:


Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 14 March 2022, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(a) during the above Match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 1:36:39 Opta time of the above Match. You were dismissed following the incident. In the Panel’s opinion you punched 2 repeatedly and violently at 2 opponents, making contact with the head. The Panel believe that your actions were unnecessary, against the spirit of the game and had the potential to injure your opponent.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade E offence (Strikes – Punching – sustained and, repeated or violent – makes contact with the Head of an opponent). The normal suspension range for such offence is a 4 - 8 Match Suspension.

• Incident occurs in approximately the 72nd minute
• Player is sent off following the incident
• Player completes a tackle on the floor on opponent
• Opponent reacts to this and strikes player with a punch to the head
• Player then strikes opponent with a punch to the head
• Player can then be seen to punch another opponent who has entered the melee
• Act is one of a violent nature

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance alongside Steve McNamara (Head Coach) and Alex Chan (Rugby Director). Player pleads Guilty to the charge.

JD addressed the Tribunal and acknowledged that he should not have punched and he knows the rules and consequences. He also apologised for his actions.

SM explained that although they were pleading guilty they felt that JD was acting in self-defence. The player was hit whilst on the floor and did not react to the first punch thrown by his opponent. Both players regained their following the tackle and the opponent threw another punch which again there was no retaliation to and it was only when the third punch was on the way that JD acted to defend himself as he could not get away and was been held by his opponent.

The matter was exacerbated as two Wigan players ran in following the initial incident which resulted in the melee. If they had not of done so the incident would not have occurred.


Guilty plea

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Grade E due to:
- Two Punches thrown that connects with the head area
- One of the punches thrown is at an opponent who is not involved in the original melee
- Punches are forceful and thrown with violent intent
- Potential for injury
- Intentional act
- Actions sit outside what is permitted within the Laws of the Game
- Incident brings the game into disrepute

Aggravating Factors:

03/05/21 – Dangerous Throw (1 match)
05/06/17 – Dangerous Contact (2 matches)

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal thank both sides for their submissions and have watched the footage several times.

The Tribunal heard that the player had not started the punching and had only punched back when punches came in his direction. The Tribunal accepts that the players punches only followed his opponents punching of him, although those punches, whilst having an element of self-defence about them were nevertheless not excusable on the field of play.

Nevertheless, an application of the Sentencing Guidelines to the players punches can fairly be said to fulfil the description of “Strikes – Punching – Punching – self-defence – makes contact with the head of an opponent.” That triggers a grading of Grade B to C and the Tribunal finds that this is a proper assessment of the players actions in this incident.

Therefore, the Tribunal believe that this incident should be Graded at Grade C. Consequently, they suspend the player for 3 matches and fine him £500.


3 matches