Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Liligiifo Sao #8, Hull FC


Super League


Hull FC v Castleford Tigers

Match Date:






Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (a)

Strikes with hand, arm or shoulder – intentional

Grade D





Decision On Charge

Player plea:


Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

• MRP were concerned at the manner in which Mr Sao makes contact with his opponent.
• Player was dismissed following the incident.
• The player makes initial contact with the opponent around the shirt collar.
• Opponent is then contacted by a 2 of Mr Sao’s team mates.
• Mr Sao releases his grip of the shirt and thrusts his forearm making initial contact with the head of his opponent.
• Mr Sao can see where the opponent’s head is prior to throwing his arm towards the area.
• This is not an attempt to complete the tackle given the tackle is almost complete given the actions of Mr Sao’s team mates.
• The blow is forceful enough that the opponent receives medical attention for a period of time.
• Players have a duty of care to their opponents.
• Head injuries are a serious point of concern for all involved in contact sports and players have to be deterred from making contact with the heads of opponents.
• MRP felt that this was not a legitimate attempt to complete the tackle and satisfies the definition of intent set out within the Sentencing Guidelines given Mr Sao’s unobstructed view of the opponent.
• Grade D is the starting point for an intentional strike. The MRP submit that there would be more forceful blows within this charge and therefore are satisfied it meets a Grade D charge.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

CEO James Clark

• Player accepts the charge and grading
• No intention to endanger opponent
• Apologised to opponent / away coaching staff
• Apologised to team mates / coaching staff
• Requested additional coacjing to work on teachnique
• Physical player but not dirty
• First ever red card
• Reduced side to 11 men
Liligiifo Sao

• Embarrassed by red card
• Apologised to all concerned
• Tries to be dominant in tackle, got it wrong this time
• Working on tackling technique
Brett Hodgson

• Well – respected player within the group
• Quiet and unassuming ioff the pitch
• Incident was not pre-meditated
• Man of few words but upset by the incident



Reasons for Decision:

The player accepted the grading and made representations as to the number of matches for which he would be suspended.

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Agreed it was not an intentional act so not a 5 match suspension

Summary of Player's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Given his actions to apologise and undertake additional training a request was made for a punishment at the lower end of the scale

Reasons for Decision:

After hearing representations from Gavin Wild on behalf of the RFL and James Clark and Brett Hodgson on behalf of the player the tribunal decided that given that this was not the most forceful blow, it did not appear to be an attempt at a tackle and was not a deliberate headshot. The players remorse, demonstrated by apologising to the player and coaching staff after the game and his character as stressed by James Clark and Brett Hodgson on his behalf meant that the tribunal could limit the suspension to 3 matches and there would be a £500 fine in addition.


3 matches