Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Kelepi Tanginoa #12, Wakefield


Super League


Wakefield Trinity v St Helens

Match Date:



Late hit on passer



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (i)

Dangerous Contact - A defending player makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes flexion to the head, neck or spinal column on an attacking player, which poses an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

Grade A




1 Match Penalty Notice

Decision On Charge

Player plea:

Not Guilty

Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 25 July 2022, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(i) during the above match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 01:15:49 SharePoint time of the above match. In the Panel’s opinion you hit your opponent late without the ball causing flexion to the neck/spinal area. The Panel believed that your actions had the potential to cause your opponent injury.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade A offence – Behaves in any way contrary to the true spirit of the game (includes Dangerous Contact) - Dangerous Contact - A defending player makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes flexion to the head, neck or spinal column on an attacking player, which poses an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

The normal suspension range for such offence is from NFA to 1 match.

• MRP reviewed an incident which took place in approx. 60th minute.
• Following a scrum, the opponent Mr Lomax takes the ball and moves laterally towards the outside.
• Mr Tanginoa breaks from the scrum and chases after Mr Lomax.
• Mr Lomax subsequently releases the ball to his team mate.
• Mr Tanginoa can see that the ball has gone but carries on towards Mr Lomax.
• The player then subsequently contacts the opponent in the back and causes flexion to the head of his opponent.
• The MRP submit Mr Tanginoa has made contact in the back of Mr Lomax and is not performing a legitimate tackle.
• There is no wrapping motion, and he does not go to ground with the opponent.
• Potential to cause opponent injury.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance alongside Willie Poching (Head Coach). Player pleads Not Guilty.

WP explained that KT could not have pulled out of the contact because he could not see the passing of the ball from the opponent. Moreover, it was suggested that he first made contact with the hips of the opposing player before guiding him to the floor. A comparative clip was shown (Tanginoa – Wakefield v Wigan – Caution) which was said to be no worse than the present case.



Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal prefer the conclusions of the MRP to the submissions made on behalf of the player.

The contact was clearly late and culpably so. There was no tackle in the process. There was some flexion of the neck. It was a matter of good fortune that the player was not immediately subject to a serious injury. The panel feel that this case is clearly different and more serious than the comparative clip (which involved a front on collision with KT standing his ground and making contact lower down the body than in this instance).

The Tribunal accept that this present contact contravened Law 15.1(i).

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Grade A due to:
- Player is late.
- Contact is not the most forceful but clear flexion of the head of the opponent.
- Not a legitimate attempt to tackle the opponent.
- Potential to cause the opponent injury

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal feel that the Grading of the offence at Grade A was entirely appropriate.

Therefore, the Tribunal confirm the decision of the Match Review Panel in grading the offence at Grade A with the player therefore suspended for 1-match.

The player will also be fined £500 and the club will lose their £500 bond for an unsuccessful challenge.


1 match