Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Jez Litten #14, Hull KR


Super League


Wakefield v HKR

Match Date:



Dangerous throw



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (d)

Dangerous Throw – lifts opponent into a dangerous position

Grade C




2 Match Penalty Notice

Decision On Charge

Player plea:

Guilty but challenge the grading

Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 26th August 2022, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1 (d) during the above match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 01:03:02 Opta footage time of the above match. In the Panel’s opinion you lifted your opponent into a dangerous position. The Panel believed that your actions had the potential to cause your opponent injury.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade C offence – Dangerous Throw – Lifting player into a dangerous position.

The normal suspension range for such offence is from 2 to 3 matches.

• MRP were concerned at the manner in which Mr Litten makes contact with his opponent.
• The incident was placed on report by the match referee.
• The opponent bumps off Mr Litten’s team mate before running directly towards Mr Litten.
• Mr Litten is the first man into the tackle and makes good initial contact under the ball.
• Mr Litten then begins to drive upwards lifting his opponent.
• At this point Mr Litten has a hold around the back of the opponents thighs with both hands.
• Mr Litten continues to turn his opponent until the highest point and then releases the grip as both the player and the opponent are coming down to the ground.
• The elbow is pointed at the highest part of the tackle.
• Opponent is twisted and his hips are above his head.
• Opponent is placed in a dangerous position. Opponent lands on his upper back.
• Mr Litten is off the ground in the tackle and is in no position to return the opponent to ground in a safe manner.
• Serious risk of injury, due to this dangerous action.
• MRP not suggestion this is an intentional or malicious act.
• This was extremely reckless and dangerous.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

The player was in attendance alongside Neil Hudgell. Player pleads guilty but challenges the grading.

The Tribunal heard from NH who challenged the grading and suggested that this should be a Grade B offence.

The Tribunal were shown a comparable clip (Havard – Wigan v HKR – Caution) and submissions were made that the player had his feet on the floor most of the time during the tackle. It was also submitted that it wasn’t clear what part of the opponent made initial contact with the ground.


Guilty plea

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Grade C due to:
- Unnecessary nature of the upwards lifting motion.
- Attacker is placed in a very dangerous position.
- Player is solely responsible for the position the opponent ended up in the tackle.
- Potential for serious injury.

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal felt that the player did have both feet off the floor towards the end of the tackle in doing so he lost control of how his opponent was going to land. The Tribunal were concerned that the tackled player had his hips well above his head at the point of landing and this steepness was in contrast to the comparable clip. Indeed in the comparable clip shown by the club, the tackling player had both feet on the ground throughout the tackle.

The Tribunal felt that in this case JL had taken his opponent well beyond the horizontal and we believe that the match review panel correctly graded this as a Grade C offence and we endorse the 2-match suspension together with a £500 fine and the loss of a £500 bond.

The RFL chose not to suggest this was a frivolous appeal and the Tribunal agreed.


2 matches