Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Callum Cameron #12, Oldham RLFC


League 1


Rochdale Hornets v Oldham

Match Date:



Headbutt and punching



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (i)

Other Contrary Behaviour

Grade F





Decision On Charge

Player plea:


Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 12th September 2022, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(i) Other Contrary Behaviour

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 01:26:40 SharePoint time of the above match. You were dismissed following the incident. In the Panel’s opinion you became involved in an incident and threw a punch to the head of an opponent and then headbutted another opponent. The Panel believe that your actions were unnecessary, against the spirit of the game and had the potential to injure your opponent.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade F offence in breach of Law 15.1(a) – Other Contrary Behaviour

The normal suspension range for such offence is 8+ matches or period of suspension.

• Match Review Panel reviewed an incident which occurred in the League 1 match between Rochdale and Oldham.
• Player is dismissed following actions.
• Mr Cameron is initially sin binned following an attempted punch for which he received a MRP Caution.
• As the player is leaving the field a melee occurs between both teams.
• Mr Cameron becomes involved in a confrontation with an opponent and throws a punch connecting with the head of the opponent.
• As the melee ensues Mr Cameron is involved further and strikes another opponent with a headbutt making initial contact with the head.
• The player has landed 2 forceful blows to two different players.
• Violent conduct.
• Actions are unnecessary and against the spirit of the game.
• Conduct led to further escalation and potential injury.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance alongside Chris Hamilton (Chairman). Player pleads guilty.

CC explained it was his first season at the club. He realised he had let himself, the club and his family down and he had been working on his discipline.

He was provoked during the game and was threatened during the melee which saw him react. These actions were done as a way to protect himself after he was grabbed from behind by an opponent.

CH then addressed the panel. He explained is was CC’s first year at his home town club and he had worked hard in training all season to try and make an impression. The game was a hard-fought play-off game against their local rivals and CC had received verbal abuse throughout the game, whilst in the melee he was also squirted with a water bottle as he passed the opposing dugout. CC had been fined by the club following his actions and warned about his future conduct.


Guilty plea

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Summary of CM's submissions on the appropriate sanction:

• Grade F due to:
- Intentional acts.
- Violent conduct.
- 2 separate instances of this nature. Player has lost control.
- Potential for serious injury.
- Portrays the sport in a negative light.

Aggravating Factors:

24/09/18 – Punching – Grade B (2 matches)
24/09/18 – Head butt – Grade A (1 match)
05/07/18 – Punching – Grade D (3 matches)

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal note the players guilty plea and take into account that he reacted following provocation from his opponents. They are impressed with the remorse which he has shown following the incident.

However, they are in agreement that he lost control and landed two blows to the heads of his opponents. They also note his previous disciplinary record.

Taking the above into account they feel that the grading is correct at Grade F and therefore suspend the player for 8-matches. He is also fined £75.


8 matches