Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Owen Haldenby #8, Hull FC




Bradford Bulls v Hull FC

Match Date:



Head Contact



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (b)

Head Contact

Grade E





Decision On Charge

Player plea:


Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 16th May 2024, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(b) during the above match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 57 00 footage time of the above match. In the Panel’s opinion you have contacted the head of your opponent. In the Panel’s opinion this is serious misconduct, has the potential for serious injury and is against the spirit of the game.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade E offence – Head Contact.

The normal suspension range for such offence is 3 to 5 matches.

• Match Review Panel reviewed an incident in the above match.

• The MRP believe the footage shows that this is shoulder contact by the tackler to the head of the ball carrier.

• The incident led to the ball carrier leaving the field of play and not returning. Subsequent information confirms that the opponent failed his Head Injury Assessment.

• The Match Review Panel deemed this to be forceful and dangerous and that this was high level of force and danger. For a contact to the head with high level of force and danger, the entry grading the Match Review Panel submit is a Grade D charge.

• The Match Review Panel do not believe that there were any mitigating factors at play with regards this incident.

• The aggravating factors are:

- Tackler makes no definite attempt to change height in an effort to avoid the ball carrier’s head.
- The trajectory of the tackler’s shoulder/arm is always going towards the ball carrier’s head.
- Ball carrier fails HIA.

• The Match Review Panel believe that the aggravating factors are sufficient to move this out of a Grade D charge.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

The player was not represented at the hearing but pleaded guilty via e-mail.


Guilty plea

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal note that this matter was not contested.

The MRP submit that there was a high level of force involved and there were three aggravating factors which resulted in the grading of the charge.

Having watched the footage, it is clear there is no definite attempt from the player to change his height and he goes into contact in an upright position. This meant contact to the head of the opponent was inevitable and resulted in him failing his HIA and therefore missing the remainder of the game.

The Tribunal note that the player has a clean previous record and has admitted his guilt at the very first opportunity.

However, given that there are three aggravating features the Tribunal think that an appropriate suspension is 4-matches. The player will also be fined £50.