Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Arthur Romano #3, Catalans


Super League


Catalans Dragons v Huddersfield Giants

Match Date:



Late contact on passer



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (i)

Dangerous Contact - A defending player makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes flexion to the head, neck or spinal column on an attacking player, which poses an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

Grade B




1 Match Penalty Notice

Decision On Charge

Player plea:

Guilty but challenges the grading

Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 24th June 2024, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(i) during the above match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 01 09 23 footage time of the above match. In the Panels opinion you have contacted your opponent after the ball has been released causing flexion to the head and neck. In the Panel’s opinion they believed your actions to be misconduct and against the spirit of the game.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade B offence – Dangerous Contact - A defending player makes contact with an opponent after the ball has been released by an opponent in a vulnerable position which causes flexion to the head, neck or spinal column on an attacking player, which poses an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

The normal suspension range for such offence is from a fine to a 1-Match suspension.

• Match Review Panel reviewed an incident in the above match.

• It is misconduct as soon as a player has contacted an opponent who does not have the ball.

• In this case Mr Romano, it is clear on the footage, has contacted the opponent Mr Clune after the ball has been released causing flexion to the head and neck of the opponent.

• The MRP apply the guidance note for late contacts on passers and kickers in this instance.

• The MRP opinion is that the following:

- Defending player approaches the tackle in an uncontrolled manner – e.g., enters the tackle at speed
- The defending player fails to moderate his behaviour
- The nature and type of the contact is unnecessary and/or avoidable
- Excessive flexion of head, neck or spinal column to opponent

• Therefore, the MRP are of the opinion that this is a reckless contact which carries a Grade ranging from B to D.

• Assessing all those factors present within this incident, the Match Review Panel are of the opinion that this necessitated a Grade B charge.

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance alongside Alex Chan (Manager). Player pleads guilty but challenges the grading.

AC talked through the incident and explained that the player approached the opponent at speed in order to try and close down a play which saw the opposition have a potential four on two overlap.

The club feel he did not enter into contact at height and did not use his shoulder. They felt that he was going in “fast and strong” and was therefore not able to affect the wrap in the tackle.

They felt the charge should be downgraded.



Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal are in agreement with the MRP in that that the speed is the main issue in this incident.

They feel the player was going too fast and as such was not in a position to slow down or modify his behaviour should the ball be moved on by the opponent. If a player approaches a tackle at such speed and cannot react should the ball be passed by the opponent then he has entered into contact too fast. This created a risk of hitting injuring the opponent.

The fact that the players intentions were simply to help his team is irrelevant to the charge. The absence of use of the shoulder or head are mitigating features, however, this does not mean that this was not a reckless act.

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Reasons for Decision:

The player has a duty to play the game safely.

The collision after the ball had been passed caused significant flexion to the head and neck of the opponent. The Tribunal therefore feel that the grading at Grade B is correct in this instance.

The Tribunal are also of the opinion that the challenge brought by the club is unreasonable. This means the player will be given an additional 1-match suspension which will be added to the 1-match he received in his penalty notice.

The player is therefore suspended for 2-matches, will be fined £500 and the club will lose their £500 deposit.


2 matches