Rugby League

Case Detail

Case Number:


Michael McIlorum #9, Catalans


Super League


Catalans Dragons v Huddersfield Giants

Match Date:



Late contact on passer



Charge Detail:

Law 15.1 (i)

Dangerous Contact - Defender uses any part of their body forcefully to twist, bend or otherwise apply pressure to the limb or limbs of an opposing player in a way that involves an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

Grade B


1 Match Penalty Notice

Decision On Charge

Player plea:

Not Guilty

Summary of CM's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Following a Match Review Panel meeting held on 24th June 2024, you are charged with misconduct for a breach of Law 15.1(i) during the above match.

The Panel reviewed an incident which occurred at 01 38 14 footage time of the above match. In the Panels opinion you have applied pressure to the leg of your opponent. In the Panel’s opinion they believed your actions to be misconduct and against the spirit of the game.

In accordance with the RFL’s On Field Sentencing Guidelines, the Panel consider that such offence is a Grade B offence – Dangerous Contact - Dangerous Contact - Defender uses any part of their body forcefully to twist, bend or otherwise apply pressure to the limb or limbs of an opposing player in a way that involves an unacceptable risk of injury to that player.

The normal suspension range for such offence is from a fine to a 1-Match suspension.

• The Match Review Panel were concerned at the behaviour of Mr McIlorum.

• Mr McIlorum can be seen on the footage to chase the ball carrier from the marker position.

• The opponent is contacted by Mr McIlorum’ s team mate initially.

• Mr McIlorum is seen to be coming in at speed the Match Review Panel submit and immediately drops and rotates his body onto the side of the ball carrier's right leg.

• This creates unacceptable pressure onto the knee and ankle joints due to the angle and dropping movement of the defender.

• The Match Review Panel state that this technique is reckless.

• The opponent immediately registers the contact in terms of injury and limp but can play on.

• Grade B due to:
- the lack of control;
- immediate drop and promoting side and hips into and onto the standing legs of a ball carrier;
- opponent held in tackle by players team mate;
- speed of entry

Summary of Player's submissions on the Charge / evidence:

Player in attendance alongside Steve McNamara (Head Coach). Player pleads Not Guilty.

SM addressed the panel and said that whilst they were aware of the players previous record, they had decided to challenge the charge following conversions with the MRP Chair.

The club believed this not a “hip drop” tackle and that MM was not out of control when he made it. MM has not shown a lack of care to the opponent and this was not a reckless act. MM loses his grip as he completes the tackle with a teammate and the tackle ends as an accident.

The opponent was limping most of the game and had his quad heavily strapped throughout.



Reasons for Decision:

The Tribunal have watched the footage a lot of times, both in slow motion and at full speed.

The MRP submit that having chased the opponent, the player dropped his body onto the back of the right leg of the ball carrier, creating pressure on the knee and ankle joints. They say this was a reckless technique.

The club submit that this was not a “hip-drop” tackle and the tackle was not reckless. In fact, it was more of an accident when the player lost his grip and fell onto his opponent.

The Tribunals findings are these. We find that the player entered the tackle with his arms forward, before his left arm came away and he dropped his body weight on the back of the ball carrier’s leg.

He clearly took hold of the ball carrier – he reached out with his arms – however, his feet were off the ground and he went in hip first. This is effectively out of control, and his body dropped on the right leg of the ball carrier. It was, we think, good fortune rather than good judgement that there was no significant injury. The ball carrier limped but was able to carry on in the match.

We therefore find that the tackle technique was reckless. It lacked control and therefore uphold the penalty notice.

Decision On Sanction (where found to have committed Misconduct)

Reasons for Decision:

The MRP do not wish to make any submissions on whether this challenge was frivolous.

The player will therefore be suspended for 1-match – as outlined in his penalty notice – and the club will lose the £500 bond lodged to bring the challenge.


1 match